He has a new toy. She’s smarter and beautiful then the old one.
The old one was dumped in a corner of his mind and from time to time he gives to her a little attention, just not to loose her till he decide what to choose.
The old toy doesn’t know what went wrong and what she did.
Baby before it’s too late you should make up your mind….
The new one could be just a big balloon and at the first change to be gone with the wind, the old one……maybe, very soon, she’ll wake up, dire up all her tears and runaway with the first plane to Mexico.
marți, 21 octombrie 2008
The past
It’s funny how the past always find a way to return in our lives and upset us or make us smile.
Its funny how we let it again and again back like an old friend that we don’t like but we can’t live without him either. How many of us didn’t burned the bridges and said I’m not going to look back again for the rest of my life? But you find yourself looking back not only once and then the past is hunting you. Bringing back the lost letters from a lover that you thought it was your soul mate.
How hard is to burned them down and start a fresh new life? From zero?
But you can’t and you don’t want to do it also. It’s something there that always make you want to keep the memories and from time to time to read it like an old book that made you smile and cry in the some time.
And no matter what the future will bring you, you will always have your past. The past that will come with you in which new relation you’ll have it. Each lover that you’ll have will come and join you like a coat, if you let this happen.
Isn’t it ironic that the people that made us suffer we will always remember?
And I’m asking you why?
Its funny how we let it again and again back like an old friend that we don’t like but we can’t live without him either. How many of us didn’t burned the bridges and said I’m not going to look back again for the rest of my life? But you find yourself looking back not only once and then the past is hunting you. Bringing back the lost letters from a lover that you thought it was your soul mate.
How hard is to burned them down and start a fresh new life? From zero?
But you can’t and you don’t want to do it also. It’s something there that always make you want to keep the memories and from time to time to read it like an old book that made you smile and cry in the some time.
And no matter what the future will bring you, you will always have your past. The past that will come with you in which new relation you’ll have it. Each lover that you’ll have will come and join you like a coat, if you let this happen.
Isn’t it ironic that the people that made us suffer we will always remember?
And I’m asking you why?
luni, 13 octombrie 2008
Are nevoie cineva de mila?Poate de lacrimi…..caci mila este peste tot si nu foloseste la nimic si nimanui.Convertirea iubirii in mila determina ultima faza a iubirii, agonia iubirii. Cand incepe sa-ti fie mila de o persoana pe care ai iubit-o, inseamna ca nimic nu mai sustine lupta impotriva evidentei.Mila este o iubire in oboseala, o iubire in care obiectul ne este exterior.De aceea in mila ne dam seama atat de bine de conditia altuia, avem o viziune atat de clara a locului in lume al altei persoane.In mila noi nu anticipam nimic, nu daruim nimic generos, nu transfiguram deloc, dimpotriva, luciditatea milei rapeste orice stralucire la care ar avea dreptul iluzia oricarei fiinte.Dupa flacarile si vapaile iubirii, mila este o cenusa ce acopera ultimele vapai de foc ale Erosului.Nu ne doare atunci iubirea altei fiinte, nu suferim ca suntem iubiti? Si mila noastra nu exprima regretul de a nu mai putea raspunde unei iubiri, care in noi s-a lichidat de mult??Cu cat mila creste cu atat ireparabilul ce desparte doua fiinte se adanceste mai tare si intensitatea ei nu face decat sa arate cat de mare este in noi regretul de a nu mai putea iubi.Ultima faza a iubirii nu face decat sa ne arate cat suntem de singuri chiar cand iubim si cum totul depinde nu de obiectul din afara, ci de nivelul sentimentelor noastre.Lupta dintre iubire si cunoastere se desfasoara pentru ultima oara in mila.Si triumful cunoasterii nu ne arata decat in ce mare lupta ne-am angajat si cate posturi pierdute avem de recucerit.
N-ai observat ca ignorantul are un ten frumos si catifelat? Incultura il scuteste si de riduri si de inteligenta.Nu intamplator un asemenea individ este comparat, dintr-o bunavointa plina de dispret, cu “un trandafir...” E frumos, bucalat, rumen, proaspat, greoi, pedant, inconstient. Stupid si analfabet, rade vesnic la soare.Mi se pare insa ca trandafirul are tot dreptul sa se simta jignit pentru o asemenea comparatie.E stiut ca trandafirul analfabet se daruie cu pasiune progresului fizic. Poseda un cap mic de pasare, dar asta nu-l deranjeaza, visul lui e sa-si dezvolte musculature, “sa se tina in forma”. S-a ferit de cultura cu disperare, asa cum altii s-au ferit de boli si microbi.De aceea isi “spala mereu capul”. Operatie inutila, caci capul lui a fost intotdeauna gol si inocent. Cu toate astea se duce mereu la filme si in cluburi, “ ca sa-si spele capul”.Nu munceste, in schimb se relaxeaza, grija lui suprema e sa se destinda, sa nu-si incarce memoria. Ii e teama ca nu cumva cultura sa ajunga, prin EFRACTIE, in capul lui de pasare, violentandu-i si analfabetismul.Ii e teama de bombardamentul informational, cum le e unora teama de ebola, de aceea si-a sterilizat intregul intelect, ca nu cumva intr-o clipa de neatentie, sa se depuna o idee in creier…. A avut prieteni care au patit-o rau de tot, din nebagare de seama s-au apucat de carte si, vai de ei, saracii, se distreaza atat de putin, muschii lor incep sa piarda din stralucire. Ori el nu vrea ca de dragul stiintei sa-si piarda faima de cel mai reusit musculos barbat din cartier.Agramatul trandafir se si bronzeaza. Adora soarele, apa, nisipul, slipurile inflorate. Aurul soarelui face sa se observe si mai putin greselile gramaticale. Singura lui durere e capul, care devine atat de mic, incat risca sa dispara, ceea ce ar face ca si muschii picioarelor sa devina inutili.
Am descoperit ca a pretinde unui individ sinceritate inseamna sa-i ceri imposibilul.Sinceritatea nu este o trasatura de caracter, ci o expresie a inteligentei. Cand cineva nu e inteligent, ipocrizia se naste spontan (sau minciuna- pe scurt).Pentru a fi sincer iti trebuie o pasiune egala cu cea pe care o avea – exagerez aici- Michelangelo in fata Capelei Sixtine – adevarul e undeva pe aici.Nu e suficent sa vrei sa fii sincer, mai trebuie sa si poti. Sinceritatea ramane, din aceasta cauza, mai mult o aspiratie.Nu sustin ca sinceritatea e o opera la care trebuie sa lucrezi pana te spetesti. Cine face efortul de a fi sincer, nu reuseste decat sa minta. Sunt multi oameni care se mint pe ei dar cer in schimb de la altii sa nu fie mintiti. Sinceritatea e adeseori tocmai acel lucru pe care noi, dupa ce ni-l refuzam noua insine, il pretindem cu violenta altora.Adeseori multi oameni isi propun sa fie sinceri, isi descarca in permanenta sufletul, sustin ca “ ce-i in gusa, si-n capusa”. Nu trebuie insa sa confundam sinceritatea cu excesul de informatii psihice. Marturisirea este doar o expresie a lasitatii si a minciunii. Sila mi-a fost de oamenii care m-au inselat, dar mai sila mi-a fost de cei care, dupa ce m-au inselat, mi-au si marturisit-o. Ei credeau ca prin aceasta sinceritate tardiva pot obtine iertarea. Dar….individul care te-a inselat pe tine s-a inselat si pe el.Nu putem niciodata sa inselam pe altcineva, fara sa ne inselam pe noi, iata unul din dezavantajele ipocriziei.Placerea de a marturisi vine din dorinta de a mai pune una la cale.Ipocritii nu mi-au inspirit dezgust, ci mai intotdeauna mila. I-am socotit niste neputinciosi. Daca ar putea, daca ar avea pasiune, n-ar fi si ei sinceri??
1. Oficial exist :” Imi cer scuze ca, uneori sunt trista.” Dar asa sunt ! am o viata interna confuza. Continui sa am o conceptie stupida asupra realitatii.2. In zilele noastre dragostea a devenit foarte cinica iar pasiunea doar fizica.3. Promisiuniile dureaza nu mai mult de 3 minute. Si au devenit un mit .4. Nu raspunzi la SMS……esti naspa! De cand nu ai mai scris cuiva folosind ustensilele clasice: stiloul si hartia? Dar de ce ai face-o? Nu-I mai simplu sa-I trimiti un e-mail sau SMS ?5. Ai citit vreodata lista aia cu “Stii ca esti roman daca….” ?Un element important era ca tot ce manaci e condimentat cu ceapa si usturoi. Au uitat de ardei iute. Da, ba occidentalule, ai ceva impotriva? Asta e mancare pentru oameni adevarati, nu pentru pedofilii din Belgia.6. OK, pauza de urlat !7. Nu ma mai privi cu fata “aia” cand ma vezi ca-mi comand si a cincea bere. S-ar putea sa te plesnesc , si n-ai fi primul.8. Bady, nu am vrut sa te ranesc. Cateodata cele mai bune intentii sunt intelese gresit.9. Fi sigur ca de ce lasi in urma nu-ti va fi dor niciodata. Nu te intoarce. Mergi inainte. Nu privi in urma. Vei suferi dublu.10. Nu exista “jumatatea ta”. Este doar un alt mit construit sa-l faca pe om sa spere, sa continue, sa caute chiar daca a suferit, sa mearga mai departe. Dar adevarul este ca “viata bate filmul”. Ha!Si ar mai fi multe de spus dar….. eu ma opresc aici.Si nu uita : “ OFICIAL EXISTI !!!!”
Daca ai nenorocul si ghinionul sa te nasti femeie, trebuie sa stii de la inceput ca vei fi mintita , inselata, brutalizata , va trebui sa suporti chinuri infernale daca te bate gandul sa nasti si tot odata va trebui sa fi credula , romantica , sensibila , intelegatoare- chiar daca esti calcata in picioare de cei dragi,credincioasa-chiar daca esti inselata, sa speri ca totul va fi bine cand de fapt toti stiu ca nu e asa, si alte porcari pe care trebuie sa le suporti tot restul vietii tale.
Am incercat sa inteleg de ce sunt femei care inghit astfel de rahaturi in fiecare zi. Oare sunt proaste ? Oare nu va vad cand sunt mintite, sau pur si simplu fac asta fiind ca inconstient au o parere proasta despre ele si intr-un fel cred ca merita ceea ce li se intampla? Sa fie de vina faptul ca femeilor le este mai greu sa o ia de la inceput de fiecare data cand ar vrea sa o faca? S-ar putea!! Dar ar fi prea banala rezolvarea ! Nu , este mai complicat, la fel ca mintea unei femei.
Tipul femei disperate, al celei care iubeste atat de mult incat simte cum isi pierde mintiile cate putin in fiecare zi, Ce o face pe aceea femeie sa continue o relatie care o distruge psihic ? Nu-mi pot da seama.
Dar hai sa vedem . Ai o relatie cu un tip pe care il iubesti si , crezi , ca si el te iubeste pe tine. Ca la inceputul oricarei relati petreceti mult timp impreuna, va povestiti verzi si uscate, despre relatii trecute, si altele.Mai trece un timp si observi ca ex iubita nu-i da pace. Il suna zi si noapte, il roaga sa se intoarca la ea si face crize de gelozie.La inceput incerci sa tratezi totul cu maturitate si sa nu pui la suflet, dar iti dai seama ca el nu face nimic sa o indeparteze, ba mai mult ii tine partea si incearca sa te faca pe tine sa intelegi de ce se poarta ea asa in loc sa ii spuna ei sa nu-l mai deranjeze. Prefera varianta cea mai usoara pentru el.Tu de ce mai stai cu el? Vine intrebarea mea. Probabil ca mai speri ca ei sa-i treaca si situatia sa se indrepte. Si de fapt nu e chiar asa de grav, iti spui in sinea ta. Ei bine te inseli ! E grav ca el nu are curajul sa zica lasa-ma in pace. Crezi ca are un termen de valabilitate toata isteria ei? Nu , nu are! Si va continua destul cat sa te faca , daca esti desteapta, sa intelegi ca el e un las.Incepi sa faci si tu scandal , probabil prea tarziu. Si ce sa vezi in loc sa ai rezultate pozitive, nu faci altceva decat sa inrautatesti situatia. Incepe sa te minta cum ca este doar in imaginatia ta cand de fapt el se da de gol singur. Si tu ce faci? Iti spun tot eu : ramai langa el. De ce ? Fiind ca femei ii place sa sufere! Este din fire masochista si sadica cu propria ei fiinta. Ce ar trebui sa faci ? Hmm!! Cred ca in blocul tau , tocmai s-a mutat un vecin tare dragut si tare singur. Si daca nu s-a mutat inca , poate ar trebui sa iesi mai des fara iubit. Lumea nu se termina la el. Dar pentru asta iti trebuie curaj , si tu nu-l ai.
Asa ca ne intoarcem la tine si el.
Iti vorbeste despre cat de frumos ar fi sa stati impreuna. Tu ,ca o proasta romantica, deja faci planuri si visezi. Iar el incepe sa bata in retragere si gaseste tot felul de scuze si motive mai mult sau mai putin hilare. De ce oare incep ei sa creada ca o femeie nu s-ar putea descurca si fara ei? Ca lumea nu incepe si nu se termina cu ei ? Ca daca ai trait pana atunci fara el, poti sa o faci si dupa ce relatia cu el se termina? Nu pot sa-mi dau seama dar cred ca tot femeia e devina aici prin faptul ca joaca rolul de femeie neajutorata crezand ca barbatul se simte mai barbat asa. Poate da rezultate dar nu cele scontate daca nu sti jocul. Nu oricine poate sa-l faca. Eu una nu stiu.Si acum aceeasi intrebare ce faci? Incerci sa-l lamuresti ca esti cel mai grozav lucru care i s-a intamplat in viata lui pana acum. Ce naiba, iar te-ai uitat la filme de dragoste ?Alea sunt fictiuni, nu exista , nu se poate si etc. Trezeste-te FEMEIE!Dupa ce ca e las , mai este si fricos! Combinatia perfecta! El deja este sigur ca tu nu vei avea curajul sa faci nimic si vei ramane langa el.Acum esti tu lase si te complaci intr-o situatie care va deveni permanenta. Incep sa vorbesc ca mama. Dar parca si ea zicea ceva asemanator dar cine s-a obosit sa o asculte?
Mai am cateva intrebari : esti fericita? Nu vrei mai mult ? Nu te revolta faptul ca ai devenit ca el ? Asta e dragoste ? Eu cred ca mai trebuie sa te gandesti ! Si sa faci ce e mai bine pentru tine!
Nu uita timpul trece!
Am incercat sa inteleg de ce sunt femei care inghit astfel de rahaturi in fiecare zi. Oare sunt proaste ? Oare nu va vad cand sunt mintite, sau pur si simplu fac asta fiind ca inconstient au o parere proasta despre ele si intr-un fel cred ca merita ceea ce li se intampla? Sa fie de vina faptul ca femeilor le este mai greu sa o ia de la inceput de fiecare data cand ar vrea sa o faca? S-ar putea!! Dar ar fi prea banala rezolvarea ! Nu , este mai complicat, la fel ca mintea unei femei.
Tipul femei disperate, al celei care iubeste atat de mult incat simte cum isi pierde mintiile cate putin in fiecare zi, Ce o face pe aceea femeie sa continue o relatie care o distruge psihic ? Nu-mi pot da seama.
Dar hai sa vedem . Ai o relatie cu un tip pe care il iubesti si , crezi , ca si el te iubeste pe tine. Ca la inceputul oricarei relati petreceti mult timp impreuna, va povestiti verzi si uscate, despre relatii trecute, si altele.Mai trece un timp si observi ca ex iubita nu-i da pace. Il suna zi si noapte, il roaga sa se intoarca la ea si face crize de gelozie.La inceput incerci sa tratezi totul cu maturitate si sa nu pui la suflet, dar iti dai seama ca el nu face nimic sa o indeparteze, ba mai mult ii tine partea si incearca sa te faca pe tine sa intelegi de ce se poarta ea asa in loc sa ii spuna ei sa nu-l mai deranjeze. Prefera varianta cea mai usoara pentru el.Tu de ce mai stai cu el? Vine intrebarea mea. Probabil ca mai speri ca ei sa-i treaca si situatia sa se indrepte. Si de fapt nu e chiar asa de grav, iti spui in sinea ta. Ei bine te inseli ! E grav ca el nu are curajul sa zica lasa-ma in pace. Crezi ca are un termen de valabilitate toata isteria ei? Nu , nu are! Si va continua destul cat sa te faca , daca esti desteapta, sa intelegi ca el e un las.Incepi sa faci si tu scandal , probabil prea tarziu. Si ce sa vezi in loc sa ai rezultate pozitive, nu faci altceva decat sa inrautatesti situatia. Incepe sa te minta cum ca este doar in imaginatia ta cand de fapt el se da de gol singur. Si tu ce faci? Iti spun tot eu : ramai langa el. De ce ? Fiind ca femei ii place sa sufere! Este din fire masochista si sadica cu propria ei fiinta. Ce ar trebui sa faci ? Hmm!! Cred ca in blocul tau , tocmai s-a mutat un vecin tare dragut si tare singur. Si daca nu s-a mutat inca , poate ar trebui sa iesi mai des fara iubit. Lumea nu se termina la el. Dar pentru asta iti trebuie curaj , si tu nu-l ai.
Asa ca ne intoarcem la tine si el.
Iti vorbeste despre cat de frumos ar fi sa stati impreuna. Tu ,ca o proasta romantica, deja faci planuri si visezi. Iar el incepe sa bata in retragere si gaseste tot felul de scuze si motive mai mult sau mai putin hilare. De ce oare incep ei sa creada ca o femeie nu s-ar putea descurca si fara ei? Ca lumea nu incepe si nu se termina cu ei ? Ca daca ai trait pana atunci fara el, poti sa o faci si dupa ce relatia cu el se termina? Nu pot sa-mi dau seama dar cred ca tot femeia e devina aici prin faptul ca joaca rolul de femeie neajutorata crezand ca barbatul se simte mai barbat asa. Poate da rezultate dar nu cele scontate daca nu sti jocul. Nu oricine poate sa-l faca. Eu una nu stiu.Si acum aceeasi intrebare ce faci? Incerci sa-l lamuresti ca esti cel mai grozav lucru care i s-a intamplat in viata lui pana acum. Ce naiba, iar te-ai uitat la filme de dragoste ?Alea sunt fictiuni, nu exista , nu se poate si etc. Trezeste-te FEMEIE!Dupa ce ca e las , mai este si fricos! Combinatia perfecta! El deja este sigur ca tu nu vei avea curajul sa faci nimic si vei ramane langa el.Acum esti tu lase si te complaci intr-o situatie care va deveni permanenta. Incep sa vorbesc ca mama. Dar parca si ea zicea ceva asemanator dar cine s-a obosit sa o asculte?
Mai am cateva intrebari : esti fericita? Nu vrei mai mult ? Nu te revolta faptul ca ai devenit ca el ? Asta e dragoste ? Eu cred ca mai trebuie sa te gandesti ! Si sa faci ce e mai bine pentru tine!
Nu uita timpul trece!
Demisie oficiala !!
Subsemnata, va aduc la cunostinta hotararea irevocabila de a demisiona oficial din functia de adult pe care o detin acum abuziv.Dupa o analiza detaliata a situatiei, m-am hotarat sa ma retrag si sa preiau atributiile unui copil de sase ani, cu toate drepturile si indatoririle pe care le-am avut candva, dar la care am renuntat cu prea mare usurinta.Vreau sa desenez cu creta colorata pe strada unde locuiesc, atunci cand trec oameni maturi si importanti spre serviciu, si sa nu-mi pese de stresul lor in lupta cu minutele si traficul care ii asteapta. Vreau sa fiu mandru de trotineta mea cea rosie, fara sa ma interseze cat costa asigurarea pe anul viitor. Vreau sa cred sincer ca bomboanele Tic-tac sunt mai bune decat banii,pentru ca le poti manca. Vreau sa stau intins la umbra unui copac, cu un pahar de limonada in mana si cu ochii la norii pufosi care alearga pe cer, intrebandu-se cu uimire de ce adultii nu fac la fel. Vreau sa ma intorc in trecut, la vremurile cand viata era simpla. Atunci cand tot ce stiam se rezuma la cele sapte culori, cinci poezii, zece cifre si vocea mamei care ma chema la masa cand nu imi era foame.Vreau inapoi, atunci cand nu imi pasa de cat de putine lucruri stiam, pentru ca nici nu stiam cat de putine stiam. Vreau sa cred, ca odinioara, ca totul pe lumea asta este fie gratuit, fie se poate cumpara cu pretul unei inghetate la pahar. M-am maturizat prea mult si nici nu mai stiu cand m-am trezit mare. A fost cu siguranta un abuz si imi cer iertare. Am ajuns astfel sa aflu ceea ce nu ar fi trebuit: razboaie si purificarii etnice, copii abuzati si copii murind de foame, divorturi, droguri in licee, prostitutie, justitie corupta, politicieni de mahala, biserici de homosexuali, frati invrajbiti fara bani, ura, barfa. Am aflat despre materialism nedialectic si mame denaturate, care isi vand copilele de 12 ani unor animale cu chipuri de barbati, pentru un televizor de ocazie. Ce s-a intamplat cu timpul cand aveam impresia ca moartea este un concept de poveste, ca doar imparatii batrani mor ca sa faca loc pe tron printilor tineri, casatoriti cu printese castigate in urma ultimei zmeiade?Unde sunt anii cand mi se parea ca tot ce ti se putea intampla mai rau in lume era sa nu fii ales in echipa lui Menica repetentul, atunci cand jucam fotbal in spatele scolii? Vreau sa ma reintorc la vremea cand toti copiii citeau carti folositoare, cand muzica era muzica, cand televiziunea era pentru stiri si emisiuni de familie, fara sex explicit si violenta implicita la fiecare zece secunde. Vreau desene animate cu Donald Duck, peripetii echipajului "Speranta", navigand cu "Toate panzele sus" si pe mama citindu-mi despre Iosif si fratii sai.Ce bine era cand credeam, in naivitatea mea, ca toata lumea din jur este fericita deoarece eu eram fericit! Promit solemn ca, imediat ce o sa-mi reiau atributiile de copil, o sa-mi petrec dupa-amiezile catarandu-ma in copaci, calarind bicicleta varului Cristi si citind Robinson Crusoe, ascunsa in coliba injghebata din ramuri si frunze de fag, in spatele gradinii. Imi iau angajamentul ca nu o sa imi pese de ratele casei, de facturile de telefon, curent, gaze, apa, gunoi, cablu Tv si Internet, asigurari pentru masini, ..nasigurari de sanatate, taxe anuale de proprietate, credit-carduri, iarba netaiata, computerul virusat si faptul ca masina a inceput sa vrea la mecanic. Va asigur ca nu o sa fiu pus in incurcatura atunci cand o sa fiu intrebat: "Ce-o sa te faci cand o sa cresti mare?", deoarece acum stiu: vreau sa fiu COPIL. Gata cu plecatul la serviciu cand ar trebui sa dorm si sa-l visez pe Florin Piersic - Harap Alb, gata cu stirile despre teroristi, bombe si caderi de avioane. Gata cu barfele anturajului, care nu-mi dau pace nici la biserica, gata cu hernia de disc, par grizonat, ochelari pierduti, medicamente scumpe si dinti de portelan.Gata, stop, cedez! Demisionez din functia de ADULT. Vreau sa cred in sinceritatea zambetelor, nobletea vorbelor, o lume a cuvantului dat si respectat, a dreptatii, a pacii, a viselor implinite, a imaginatiei innobilate, a ingerilor buni si a omului dupa chipul si asemanarea lui Dumnezeu. Vreau sa am iarasi sase ani si jumatate si sa stau in bratele lui Isus. Fiti voi mari si importanti, si ocupati, si ingrijorati.
Eu vreau sa cresc MICA !!
Eu vreau sa cresc MICA !!
I surrender. I’ve nothing else to do. It’s one of those odd days when I’m here, but obvious, I’m not. For some time, I’m thinking with intensiveness and for nothing, about the freedom I need or I don’t need in a relationship. Wait a second, first, what relation?? And further, what freedom? It’s hard to imagine the limits of our relation when we don’t have one, yet.
All I want, for now, it’s to live in a never-ending rainy and lazy Sunday like this one and you to swamp me with your presence.
I say it! I want, feel the need from you to nag me with your cranks (I’m sure you have something like this). And to bore me (I know you can) with your stories about cars. I want, feel the need from you to make plans and not asking me about (what a delight); and after to irritate me with foolish and clumsy questions – where have you been and why, with who and till what hour (I bet we’ll arrive at this). Yes, I know. I’m crazy!!
Why do I want to pass again through all these extreme awkward pleasures of a love relation? Maybe because we are at the beginning, and at the beginning, even if you just raise your eyebrows, you excite me.
Or, maybe, because we meet so rare due to the distance between us. Maybe.
Or, maybe, I just have the impression that you’ll going to help me one day so I can not feel that I belong just to myself.
Anyway, the future sounded all right.
But I wasn’t like this. I’m looking in the mirror and I see a lucky human being. Four years ago I ran, in an appropriate and inappropriate way, from my last long relation.
It has been few happy months, two years of mental torture, plus another half a year of baffles and prosecutions like in Hallmark’s dramas. All it’s left to say about this relation is that I survived with traumatizing consequences.
It took me a long time but in the end I convinced myself that all I need are the simple things like: a ticket to Muse concert, a large pizza, a smile from you, the kiss that you’ll going to give me soon. I want all this and many more and I’ll wait as long as it takes, even if I know that some of these won’t come. For the moment I don’t need any kind of freedom. On the contrary, I’m ready to let you very close to me. In exchange, at the risk of being cold and not concerned, I’ll give you with all my heart a thing that it’s yours from the start, all the freedom that you need.
You can do all that you want, with who you want, when you want. It may be possible to like you so much, that I won’t be able to bond you to be just with me. Even if I’ll really like this. A lot. As you can see, I really hope that you, unlike others, will translate my signs different
All I want, for now, it’s to live in a never-ending rainy and lazy Sunday like this one and you to swamp me with your presence.
I say it! I want, feel the need from you to nag me with your cranks (I’m sure you have something like this). And to bore me (I know you can) with your stories about cars. I want, feel the need from you to make plans and not asking me about (what a delight); and after to irritate me with foolish and clumsy questions – where have you been and why, with who and till what hour (I bet we’ll arrive at this). Yes, I know. I’m crazy!!
Why do I want to pass again through all these extreme awkward pleasures of a love relation? Maybe because we are at the beginning, and at the beginning, even if you just raise your eyebrows, you excite me.
Or, maybe, because we meet so rare due to the distance between us. Maybe.
Or, maybe, I just have the impression that you’ll going to help me one day so I can not feel that I belong just to myself.
Anyway, the future sounded all right.
But I wasn’t like this. I’m looking in the mirror and I see a lucky human being. Four years ago I ran, in an appropriate and inappropriate way, from my last long relation.
It has been few happy months, two years of mental torture, plus another half a year of baffles and prosecutions like in Hallmark’s dramas. All it’s left to say about this relation is that I survived with traumatizing consequences.
It took me a long time but in the end I convinced myself that all I need are the simple things like: a ticket to Muse concert, a large pizza, a smile from you, the kiss that you’ll going to give me soon. I want all this and many more and I’ll wait as long as it takes, even if I know that some of these won’t come. For the moment I don’t need any kind of freedom. On the contrary, I’m ready to let you very close to me. In exchange, at the risk of being cold and not concerned, I’ll give you with all my heart a thing that it’s yours from the start, all the freedom that you need.
You can do all that you want, with who you want, when you want. It may be possible to like you so much, that I won’t be able to bond you to be just with me. Even if I’ll really like this. A lot. As you can see, I really hope that you, unlike others, will translate my signs different
I'm only human after all
Capitulez. N-am ce face. Este una dintre acele zile bizare in care sunt aici, dar evident, nu sunt aici. De ceva vreme cuget intens, si degeaba, la libertatea de care am sau n-am nevoie in relatie. Stai asa, in primul rand, ce relatie? Si apoi,ce libertate, mai? E cam anevoios sa-mi imaginez limitele relatiei noastre, dat fiind ca nu avem inca una. Si unde mai pui ca acum as vrea sa traim intr-o eterna duminica ploioasa si lenesa precum asta, si tu sa ma sufoci cu prezenta ta.
N-a, cam zis-o! Vreau, simt nevoia sa ma bati la cap cu ideile tale fixe (sigur ai si asa ceva). Si sa ma plictisesti (stiu ca poti) cu povesti despre masini. Vreau, simt nevoia sa-mi faci planuri fara sa ma intrebi (ah, ce placere); si dup-aia sa ma angoasezi cu intrebari ridicole si penibile – unde ai fost si de ce, cu cine si pana cand (sigur s-ar ajunge si la asta). Mda. Sunt nebuna? De ce-mi doresc eu sa trec iarasi prin toate aceste delicii fade ale vietii de cuplu? Poate fiindca suntem la inceput, iar la inceput, si daca doar ridici din spranceana, ma emotionezi.
Ori, poate, fiindca ne intalnim foarte rar datorita distantei dintre noi. Poate. Sau, poate, pur si simplu, am eu impresia ca ai sa ma ajuti intrucatva sa nu mai simt ca-mi apartin doar mie.
Oricum, parca viitorul suna bine.
Dar nu am fost mereu asa. Ma uit in oglinda si vad ca sunt un om norocos. Acum patru ani fugeam, si la propriu si la figurat, din ultima mea relatie lunga. Cateva luni de fericire oarba, doi ani de tortura psihica, plus inca o jumatate de an de sicane si urmariri ca-n dramele de pe Hallmark. Tot ce mai zic despre aceasta relatie e ca i-am supravietuit cu sechelele de rigoare.
Mi-a luat ceva, dar pana la urma m-am convins ca n-am nevoie decat de lucruri simple: un bilet la Muse, o pizza mare, un zambet de-al tau, sarutul pe care mi-l vei da. Le vreau pe-astea si mai vreau si altele, pe care sunt gata sa le astept oricat, chiar avand certitudinea ca unele dintre ele nu vor veni. Deocamdata, nu-mi doresc niciun fel de libertate. Dimpotriva, sunt gata sa te las sa-mi fii foarte aproape. Iar in schimb, cu riscul de a-ti parea rece si neimplicata, eu o sa-ti dau cu draga inima un lucru care ti se cuvine din oficiu si care oricum nu e al meu de dat : toata libertatea de care simti tu ca ai nevoie.
N-ai decat sa faci orice vrei tu, cand vrei tu, cu cine vrei tu. S-ar putea sa-mi placa de tine atat de mult, incat sa nu pot sa te oblig sa fii doar pentru mine.
Cu toate ca mi-as dori. Mult.
Ei, vezi, tocmai de-asta sper ca, spre deosebire de altii, imi vei interpreta altfel gestul.
N-a, cam zis-o! Vreau, simt nevoia sa ma bati la cap cu ideile tale fixe (sigur ai si asa ceva). Si sa ma plictisesti (stiu ca poti) cu povesti despre masini. Vreau, simt nevoia sa-mi faci planuri fara sa ma intrebi (ah, ce placere); si dup-aia sa ma angoasezi cu intrebari ridicole si penibile – unde ai fost si de ce, cu cine si pana cand (sigur s-ar ajunge si la asta). Mda. Sunt nebuna? De ce-mi doresc eu sa trec iarasi prin toate aceste delicii fade ale vietii de cuplu? Poate fiindca suntem la inceput, iar la inceput, si daca doar ridici din spranceana, ma emotionezi.
Ori, poate, fiindca ne intalnim foarte rar datorita distantei dintre noi. Poate. Sau, poate, pur si simplu, am eu impresia ca ai sa ma ajuti intrucatva sa nu mai simt ca-mi apartin doar mie.
Oricum, parca viitorul suna bine.
Dar nu am fost mereu asa. Ma uit in oglinda si vad ca sunt un om norocos. Acum patru ani fugeam, si la propriu si la figurat, din ultima mea relatie lunga. Cateva luni de fericire oarba, doi ani de tortura psihica, plus inca o jumatate de an de sicane si urmariri ca-n dramele de pe Hallmark. Tot ce mai zic despre aceasta relatie e ca i-am supravietuit cu sechelele de rigoare.
Mi-a luat ceva, dar pana la urma m-am convins ca n-am nevoie decat de lucruri simple: un bilet la Muse, o pizza mare, un zambet de-al tau, sarutul pe care mi-l vei da. Le vreau pe-astea si mai vreau si altele, pe care sunt gata sa le astept oricat, chiar avand certitudinea ca unele dintre ele nu vor veni. Deocamdata, nu-mi doresc niciun fel de libertate. Dimpotriva, sunt gata sa te las sa-mi fii foarte aproape. Iar in schimb, cu riscul de a-ti parea rece si neimplicata, eu o sa-ti dau cu draga inima un lucru care ti se cuvine din oficiu si care oricum nu e al meu de dat : toata libertatea de care simti tu ca ai nevoie.
N-ai decat sa faci orice vrei tu, cand vrei tu, cu cine vrei tu. S-ar putea sa-mi placa de tine atat de mult, incat sa nu pot sa te oblig sa fii doar pentru mine.
Cu toate ca mi-as dori. Mult.
Ei, vezi, tocmai de-asta sper ca, spre deosebire de altii, imi vei interpreta altfel gestul.
for friends or sentimental dramas
To be honest, the sentimental dramas have never impressed me to a higher level- to be here probably my limitation and my stupidity? All sentimental dramas seemed to me in the end vulgar. I was running from cheated men as well as from addicted drunkards. Someone who is praising with his commitment and he is demanding in exchange fidelity, always seemed to me a fool. Fidelity is not the prize of the commitment; fidelity is just a loyalty toward you. What's the use of a fidelity that u can obtain trough exercises and auto mutilation? Here Shakespeare is right, a tragic and wise justice: " the woman that cheats me, but she is faithful to herself, is faithful to me, too…. Who respects the truth respects me too…"
The most common drama, I loved and I never been loved is in the end and not with much effort of understanding, ridiculous! Love doesn't mean our faith into a man, love is an estate of relationship, it is communication.
Thus, not until today I didn't understand where is the drama? In what is the drama? In the fact, that a man, strange to me, doesn't love me? What's dramatic in here?
And why we want by any reason to be in a relationship with someone who doesn't want or he can't do this thing? This is not true foolishness? In this case, our love is a form of beggary. In fact, we have more modest desires, we want to possess that man, and love seems to us the shortest way to this goal.
If there were other ways, we wouldn't love, but since there aren't another ones, wanting or not, we love with mortal passion.
The most common drama, I loved and I never been loved is in the end and not with much effort of understanding, ridiculous! Love doesn't mean our faith into a man, love is an estate of relationship, it is communication.
Thus, not until today I didn't understand where is the drama? In what is the drama? In the fact, that a man, strange to me, doesn't love me? What's dramatic in here?
And why we want by any reason to be in a relationship with someone who doesn't want or he can't do this thing? This is not true foolishness? In this case, our love is a form of beggary. In fact, we have more modest desires, we want to possess that man, and love seems to us the shortest way to this goal.
If there were other ways, we wouldn't love, but since there aren't another ones, wanting or not, we love with mortal passion.
quit smoking...
Every time he is determined to start another life, to take it from the beginning, not to drink, not to smoke, to make something useful with his time. He aspires to a new life. Nothing wrong until here. I even encouraged him in the beginning. But soon I realized that he found out that the desire of regenerating, suits him, as well as long hair suits to others. When I was asking him what he was doing, he was answering me immediately:
How what am I doing? I am staring a new life…
He begins and again begins a new life, he is always regenerating he is always willing of progress and change. He wants a home, he wants vitamins, he wants a true love, he wants action, he wants REVOLUTION!!
"But from tomorrow!" you hear him always saying. And he lights another cigarette. "The last one", he says. That's why the cigarette has such a pleasant taste; it is always the last one. Why not to smoke if he knows that he can whenever quit smoking? He has so much will, that he doesn't even use it and he is convinced by this thing.
I smoke with pleasure. I tried to quit smoking, I started to analyze myself, to wonder for which reason I smoke, etc.
I understood that smoking is a habit, and, going forward with the analysis, I also declared that "any habit is a vice". I have the feeling of the need to rise to abstraction. Pleased by this conclusion, I lighted a cigarette.
It's curious, but during adolescence I had the impression that for me this vice is the expression of liberty and power, Wrong!
We analyze, we examine ourselves and in this way the analysis becomes a pleasure, just like smoking, the analysis is transforming into a habit, just like smoking, into something dead and mechanical.
Those few things that I understood, or which I think that I understood, were those that I lived with intensity; once I lived them, I haven't felt the need of analyzing them. The understanding was the living itself of the fact. The fact cannot exist separately, independently and the second day in the morning, its understanding. The intensity of living was one and the same with its understanding. That's why I can realize a little how hard and miraculous is to live a thing and how frivolous and meaningless is to lost yourself into analyses, no matter how subtle they would be. (Warning to the amateurs- she knows about whom I am talking to)
And it is almost comic to see how some people try desperately to understand things that in exchange they haven't lived. (Warning to the amateurs- she knows about whom I am talking to)
Coming back to smoking, to my simple and human desire of quitting smoking, at least from health reasons, if not from other philosophical reasons, I realized that I am not accomplishing a whatever big deal with my keen introspections. So that, I had the common sense to drop the self-examination and I understood then that my desire of self-introspection wasn't something else but my will of smoking another cigarette.
The incapacity of giving up smoking glides like a black shadow on my entire existence.
By the way, don't you have perhaps a cigarette?
How what am I doing? I am staring a new life…
He begins and again begins a new life, he is always regenerating he is always willing of progress and change. He wants a home, he wants vitamins, he wants a true love, he wants action, he wants REVOLUTION!!
"But from tomorrow!" you hear him always saying. And he lights another cigarette. "The last one", he says. That's why the cigarette has such a pleasant taste; it is always the last one. Why not to smoke if he knows that he can whenever quit smoking? He has so much will, that he doesn't even use it and he is convinced by this thing.
I smoke with pleasure. I tried to quit smoking, I started to analyze myself, to wonder for which reason I smoke, etc.
I understood that smoking is a habit, and, going forward with the analysis, I also declared that "any habit is a vice". I have the feeling of the need to rise to abstraction. Pleased by this conclusion, I lighted a cigarette.
It's curious, but during adolescence I had the impression that for me this vice is the expression of liberty and power, Wrong!
We analyze, we examine ourselves and in this way the analysis becomes a pleasure, just like smoking, the analysis is transforming into a habit, just like smoking, into something dead and mechanical.
Those few things that I understood, or which I think that I understood, were those that I lived with intensity; once I lived them, I haven't felt the need of analyzing them. The understanding was the living itself of the fact. The fact cannot exist separately, independently and the second day in the morning, its understanding. The intensity of living was one and the same with its understanding. That's why I can realize a little how hard and miraculous is to live a thing and how frivolous and meaningless is to lost yourself into analyses, no matter how subtle they would be. (Warning to the amateurs- she knows about whom I am talking to)
And it is almost comic to see how some people try desperately to understand things that in exchange they haven't lived. (Warning to the amateurs- she knows about whom I am talking to)
Coming back to smoking, to my simple and human desire of quitting smoking, at least from health reasons, if not from other philosophical reasons, I realized that I am not accomplishing a whatever big deal with my keen introspections. So that, I had the common sense to drop the self-examination and I understood then that my desire of self-introspection wasn't something else but my will of smoking another cigarette.
The incapacity of giving up smoking glides like a black shadow on my entire existence.
By the way, don't you have perhaps a cigarette?
Exotic fruits and sour cabbage salad.....
In the beginning of a relationship, almost all men arrogate themselves a huge responsibility and they are building a pedestal of the importance that you cannot achieve even with the funicular.
Without doubt, "they will never change in a bad way", they will assure us all the comfort and the safety that we need, and "they will never lie us"…..
And we, women, we are standing and we are watching in their mouth (at everything they say) and we are astonished by the "luck with fly" that happened to us. And we are hoping that everything we have seen in movies, that man always calm, loving and careful to miss the mark.
After that, little by little, each of us observes that the guy there, to whom we tied our days, it's just a guy, far, far away of the declared perfection, a little megalomaniac, an apparent and conceived toreador who lies no matter what. There are days in which you can die, or yell, or cry just like a maniac, but he can hardly notice. There are moments when, on the contrary, you are capable to give a lot of money in order to stop him talking.
What he is saying today it has no value tomorrow!!!
And…we are falling one by one, as soon as we have the revelation of the expression "outside the fence is painted and inside we see how little the leopard is!
Where are those sacred promises and that look that melted because of you?
Where is that good guy who helped you whenever you need it, reason for which all your friends envied you?
Not somehow all "the publicity" from the beginning it's just a ritual of the conquest, it's not somehow the swelling of the cocks or the caracole of the monkeys?
The truth is that our men are not trying very hard but they are capable to say a lot of foolishnesses, to present us the universe like a memory from the childhood.
But would have we paid them so much attention if instead of an extra evaluated CV, they have told us loud and clear how the things are going on?
"I will cheat you because I can't stop myself, I will lie to you, I will snore away just like a pig; I won't pay attention to you all the time or I won't be interested in you, I won't help you in householding; I'm a normal guy that has all the faults that other guys have".
I would pay to see this.
To see that woman who will go in front of the altar with that man that offered such a thing.
We would not even appreciate such a truth, even if we hate to be lied.
We want to fall in love, to sing in the street, to dream with our eyes opened.
I think that we have the quality of letting others to lie us. We know that all that is happening is just a fairy tail with Prince Charming that will disappear in the morning.
But we are postponing as much as we can that pink life that, dam it, at least in the beginning to take advantage of. They are courting us, we want to be courted. Then everything gets back to normal. Only if we had that power of breaking that lovely story from the context of the relationship and thinking to it just like a journey to the Red Sea , maybe we wouldn't suffer so much discovering the portrait of a Dorian Grey. It's beautiful on the hot sand, lied down on the comfortable lounge chair, with a cocktail, without any schedule, without obligations. But can we afford to spend loafing like this, the entire life? And hardly after 3 days of exotic fruits, would we have an appetite for a potato' food and sour cabbage salad?
In other words, let's take men promises like a sweet lie. In this way, the contact with the reality won't hurt us anymore. And what a wonderful joy we will live then when at least 1% from everything he says it will come true!
Without doubt, "they will never change in a bad way", they will assure us all the comfort and the safety that we need, and "they will never lie us"…..
And we, women, we are standing and we are watching in their mouth (at everything they say) and we are astonished by the "luck with fly" that happened to us. And we are hoping that everything we have seen in movies, that man always calm, loving and careful to miss the mark.
After that, little by little, each of us observes that the guy there, to whom we tied our days, it's just a guy, far, far away of the declared perfection, a little megalomaniac, an apparent and conceived toreador who lies no matter what. There are days in which you can die, or yell, or cry just like a maniac, but he can hardly notice. There are moments when, on the contrary, you are capable to give a lot of money in order to stop him talking.
What he is saying today it has no value tomorrow!!!
And…we are falling one by one, as soon as we have the revelation of the expression "outside the fence is painted and inside we see how little the leopard is!
Where are those sacred promises and that look that melted because of you?
Where is that good guy who helped you whenever you need it, reason for which all your friends envied you?
Not somehow all "the publicity" from the beginning it's just a ritual of the conquest, it's not somehow the swelling of the cocks or the caracole of the monkeys?
The truth is that our men are not trying very hard but they are capable to say a lot of foolishnesses, to present us the universe like a memory from the childhood.
But would have we paid them so much attention if instead of an extra evaluated CV, they have told us loud and clear how the things are going on?
"I will cheat you because I can't stop myself, I will lie to you, I will snore away just like a pig; I won't pay attention to you all the time or I won't be interested in you, I won't help you in householding; I'm a normal guy that has all the faults that other guys have".
I would pay to see this.
To see that woman who will go in front of the altar with that man that offered such a thing.
We would not even appreciate such a truth, even if we hate to be lied.
We want to fall in love, to sing in the street, to dream with our eyes opened.
I think that we have the quality of letting others to lie us. We know that all that is happening is just a fairy tail with Prince Charming that will disappear in the morning.
But we are postponing as much as we can that pink life that, dam it, at least in the beginning to take advantage of. They are courting us, we want to be courted. Then everything gets back to normal. Only if we had that power of breaking that lovely story from the context of the relationship and thinking to it just like a journey to the Red Sea , maybe we wouldn't suffer so much discovering the portrait of a Dorian Grey. It's beautiful on the hot sand, lied down on the comfortable lounge chair, with a cocktail, without any schedule, without obligations. But can we afford to spend loafing like this, the entire life? And hardly after 3 days of exotic fruits, would we have an appetite for a potato' food and sour cabbage salad?
In other words, let's take men promises like a sweet lie. In this way, the contact with the reality won't hurt us anymore. And what a wonderful joy we will live then when at least 1% from everything he says it will come true!
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